Friday, March 18, 2005

just a bit o' gobbledygook

changed my mind. i will never get enough of the sea. never get enough of a summer beach vacation. not this summer, not ever. especially now, when i'm almost never home, and almost never here, and there's barely enough time to get enough sleep, never mind have a long, leisurely breakfast with the morning paper (my fave pasttime last summer, during those thrice-a-week movie shoot days), ponder over the state of my life (my fave pasttime since i hit my 20s; i'm in the me-me-me years so i have the perfect excuse), or even watch a movie (my fave pasttime,period!). i'm coming back, halcyon sea. and we're gonna have a dang great time. just you and me, and a few of mah friends.

oh i hate it when a seedling grows on mars. cause it never rains on mars, so it will NEVER grow. why does it always friggin happen, mehn? one of the greatest mysteries in the universe, as far as this speck-in-the-universe is concerned.

i wonder when i'll get to work on my Jeepney concept again. i wonder when i'll get to quit smoking for good. i wonder what i'm doin here at 4 in the morning when the wise thing to do (supposedly) is to sleep away what little free time i have these days. i guess blog and fwendster are such ego-mirrors. hate that. hate being born on april 25.

one year ago i was starting out in film production. wonder where i'll be one year from now.

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oh, we know how the story goes. as always, as always. same difference, different sameness.

oh, don't mind me. i'm just talking to myself.

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