Saturday, April 30, 2005

semi-vampirism, extra joss and other sleepless ramblings

1. I'm a semi-vampire these days. Ironically, I'm not the one doing the sucking. innuendo not intended.

2. I'm a semi-vampire these days. Ironically, I'm not the one doing the sucking. Other semi-vampires i know probably do. Innuendo AND sarcasm intended.

2a. Being a semi-vampire drains the youth out of me, somehow. I wish it doesnt. But no matter what--come hell, high water, or premature ageing, there's always my pack of yosi menthols and extra joss to keep me company to bring me comfort. so they're dangerous to my health or something, yeah. surgeon general says, blah blah. but then whatever. maybe when the right time comes i'll quit.

3. I'm a semi anti-male bigot as well. Just realized that lately--like, five years ago. Can't shake off the preconceived notion that most males are primarily driven by their egos and/or libidos. So when I come across a male who's either condescending or something short of lascivious, all my defenses act up. Fully automated. Put on the tiger look. Carry on the don't-you-dare-make-the-wrong-move-on-me mien. It's been with me for so long, it's become a reactive habit.
4. I wonder why, cos I've had a wonderful decent man for a father for as long as I can remember. Never had those harrowing scarring male-induced traumatic experiences at all. And yes, I was breastfed.
5. So maybe I'm just a plain mental case. Between normal and abnormal. Not nuts enough for the nuthouse, not normal enough for the normal world. How comfy.
5. I'm letting it go. Loosening my hold on it. I love ideals too much. I breathe out angst but in deep I'm a pathetic romantic. Last night was one more to add to the glitches in my universe, though. One more to add to the list of Things That Rub the Truth In. Ooh, so you and I have the same tastes, eh. How interesting. I suppose you find yourself immensely attractive as well.
5a. Lemme tell ya though. I wish your hair would grow out. Like, outtie OUT.
5b. And bring back the preppy clothes, please.
5c. On second thought, don't. It would be best if I grew out of this little mis-anomaly in each and every "unideal" thing that I see. So being a semi-vampire is draining the youth out of you as well. One more successful EB and you'll be back and glowing. "Revitalized", to use your term.
5d. And don't be sad. It makes me sad as well. Knowing why. Shuts me out of that inner world you're in, ya know. Not that I know you that well but well, whatever. Maybe I don't really wanna know you at all.
6. Hohum. Sleepy. I wish life wouldn't be so drab when this is over.
7. P.S. Can we be friends, at least? Maybe, just maybe, if you show a little more flair, do the rolling-eyes bit more often, then I would forget all about my silly frog prince myths and end up adding you to my list of harmless dickachikamigas. Now wouldn't that be fah-bulous? I can give you my big warm hugs and share your kiligs and all that sh*#t. And maybe, just maybe, you can give me survival advice when the next mis-anomalous case that I get myself into gets ugly. Given the fact that you know a lot about those things, firsthand.
8. Oh mehn I'm real sleepy. It's the extra joss, yknow.

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