Tuesday, September 27, 2005

tempt me not

maybe i haven't really noticed it when i was way busy, but moments will come when temptations will sprout out just about everywhere.
and, gawd, i'm not talking about the forbidden fruit here, so might as well cross that out.

temptation #1: persistent invite by a casual acquaintance/semi-friend on a date. tempting, i replied to the msg. sleep it off. *smiley*. superficially, he's not a bad nut, and i realize that he's probably a better option than the last few ones i've gone out on (platonic!) dates with. but. just can't.

temptation #2. career pathing. temptinggg. thanks to a lot of factors, a huge portion of my heart is already engaged by it, as is. not my choice or decision, but should a chance present itself, i wouldn't know what action to take. precisely because i wouldn't know if that would be the right track for me. but if i'm meant to follow my original plan, the temptation would subside. after all, "following one's heart" shouldn't be taken too literally. and there's more to life than money.

temptation #3. contacting someone i don't know, but with whom i have a common acquaintance. not my style, but was tempted to. the person's a curiosity, mainly because of our common acquaintance. but nah. better not stir any waters, lest my actions would boomerang on me. heheh.

temptation #4. writing a blog entry, despite a 6pm deadline. wanted a break. if i calculated right, i'd still be able to make the deadline, but almost always my calculations when it comes to meeting deadlines are wrong. hahaha. nonetheless, i find myself giving in.

hwell. weakening under one out of four temptations--as of now--shouldn't be a bad figure. back to the microsoft word window...


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about temptation.

For example, I should be focused on my assigned reading instead of surfing around your blog. LOL.

Can tell you have a lot more time on your hands these days. The blog entries keep coming!! :D

saffron_blue said...

haha! lot more time to pro-CRASS-ti-nate, you mean! :-) it's becoming an addiction!

Dr. Oblivion said...

tempting... :)