Saturday, April 15, 2006


almost 12 noon. this is turnin out to be a booooring day.

it's black saturday. 10 days to go before takeoff time. i'm scared, as i always am before any new adventure (and boy, dare i predict that this new project is going to bring in a lot of "firsts"--of the pleasant/wholesome/happy kind, i pray), but i trust the lord that he will be with me every step of the way. because he knows that i'm taking on this job with the best intentions at heart.

50 days. daunting. it's something i haven't done before, in a way, yet something i have already done for a number of times. so what's there to fear. i'll be fine.

10 days before the birthday. i will officially be in my late 20s. now that's what i call truly daunting. for the first time ever, i'm scared of growing old.

friend monj says that that kind of fear is something you'll outgrow. maybe. i used to be 16 and complained of not being old enough. i used to be 23 and never gave a thought to my age. now i'm turning 26. and realizing that it is true, indeed, when people would say that they're not getting any younger.

nah, they're just numbers. let's just tell that to ourselves each time we're reminded. haha!

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