Tuesday, January 24, 2006

pointless. senseless. endless.

now this road looks damn familiar, doesn't it. i've been here before. more than a dozen friggin times.

pattern freak. it's sick. sickening.

i go through withdrawal every time a project ends. i've been through so many endings before, you'd think i'd have gotten used to it. but i never do. i cling to the memories like a newt to the wall. i miss everything. and everyone. happy now, crying later.

why, in heaven's name, do i never learn?

even guinea pigs learn, right? shouldn't i, somehow, know friggin better?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

IMHO, withdrawal is normal. If you've poured so much of yourself into something you feel passionate about, then you're bound to feel lost and directionless when it's over.

If at the end of a project, you don't feel blue, then it probably means your heart wasn't in it to start with.