Thursday, January 05, 2006

two days to go

i have a 10 am prospective thingie this morning and i'm still up.

low eq.

couldn't help my thoughts from spillin out.

if i knew (and practiced) time management better then maybe life would be a lot less complicated.


technically, it's two days til shooting day. anxiety surges each time i'm reminded that time is ticking and there's still that shotlist to finish. dang! the oculars, the script readings, the casting tasks and other little here-and-there errands have kept me from sitting down again to finish that really important director's task. i hate short timeframes. it's so tv. but it's a reality that we have to live with.

lord, please help us. please help me. nothing that i want more than to pull this off, lord. i'd give up a few good little perks in my daily life, like extended sleep, good hair days, the internet, being in love.

today, i sit on that shotlist. but i have to attend to that 10am thingie first. have to be quickly home and get to work right away. this should come first.

try to manage time a little better, bluey. and be quick about it.


Anonymous said...

Here's wishing you fierce concentration, endless inspiration, relentless discipline, and a lot of fun while you're chasing these deadlines!! :D

Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

to cf: thanks, thanks, thanks! - saffron blue